Around the Horn (June 27)

The Most Dangerous Thing a Christian Can Do

In this blog post, Tim Challies points out that the must dangerous thing a Christian can do is quite subtle, which is why it’s terrifying.

Afraid of the Wrong Thing

“One mystifying aspect of the spiritual battles we face as followers of Jesus is the almost universal tendency to be afraid of the things that are helpful for us and unafraid of those that are harmful. We feel safer at home, so we watch church online. We fear conflict, so we fake peace rather than join God in growing true peace. We fear failing, so we resist extending ourselves to new areas of ministry. We are terrified of people’s judgment, so we hide pornography addictions. Perhaps all of these are the practical outworking of the fear of being known.”

Longing for Home with C.S. Lewis and Tyler Childers

Here, Casey McCall asks a probing questions, “But can we flourish if we aren’t rooted? Might our perpetual rootlessness be another manifestation of the ancient human desire to gain the whole world while forfeiting our souls?” 

Extra Base

Willie Mays, Henry Aaron, and God’s Beautiful Providence

In this post, David Prince uses two baseball legends and their differences to illustrate the beauty of God’s creative providence.

By |June 27th, 2024|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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